Phase Two
Phase Two refers to a period of absence where your child has been advised to self-isolate. This may be up to two weeks, where other pupils in the year group are still attending lessons as normal.
In this instance, your child should log onto Google to access their school account. Instructions on how to do this can be seen in this short video:
Your child should ensure they check their emails on a daily basis. In addition, your child should log onto Google Classroom once they have signed in with their school email address and password. Pupils should ensure they have signed into all Google classes as requested by their class teachers by Friday 18 September.
Teachers will upload resources pupils have covered in lessons onto Google Classroom on a regular basis. Pupils should work their way through the material posted. This may include PowerPoint presentations or worksheets. The work will be labelled to signpost pupils who are absent to the relevant work for that particular part of the course, therefore enabling pupils to cover similar content to their peers who remain in class. An example is below.
Pupils are encouraged to email their class teacher if they are unsure what to do with any of the work set. They can contact their class teacher via the Google classroom for their particular group.
If your child has forgotten their password, please call the school for this information.