The Governing Board
Bartley Green School has a long tradition of providing high quality learning opportunities for pupils; the heart of its success lies within the positive relationships between pupils, parents, carers and teachers and support staff. We, the governors take a keen interest in the learning, progress and attainment of our pupils; we are exceptionally proud of the school’s achievements, aspirations of the pupils for their future and Bartley Green School’s reputation within the community.
Governing Board Details
The Governing Board meet on four occasions. In addition there are meetings of the Finance, Audit and General Purposes and Safeguarding, Premises, Safety and HR committees, which meet at appropriate times, throughout the year.
The term of office for all governors is four years.
The Chair of Governors, Clerk to Governors or any other Governor may be contacted through the school address. Letters addressed to a Governor will be forwarded, unopened, by first class post on the day of receipt.
Bartley Green School
Adams Hill
B32 3QJ
Tel:0121 476 9246
Fax:0121 478 1585