Meet our SEND Team
Assistant Head Teacher - SEND
Responsible for:
Working with the head teacher and governing body to plan the development of SEN policy and provision within the school.
Working closely with staff, parents and other agencies to maintain communication and to ensure children with SEND make the most progress possible.
Facilitate appropriate training for teaching and support staff to ensure lessons are differentiated appropriately for SEND pupils.
Overseeing the progress made by pupils with SEND.
Evaluating the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEND.
Updating the SEND register with the SENCO and ensuring records are kept on the intervention pupils have received.
Promoting appropriate career path for all pupils with SEN.
Ensuring pupils have suitable college/vocational placements when leaving school.
SEND Co-Ordinator
Responsible for:
Liaising with the Heads of Year and teaching staff to ensure all teachers are aware of the individual needs of SEND pupils.
Ensuring parents are informed of their child's well-being within school.
Co-ordinating the withdrawal timetable.
Working with the teaching assistants to monitor pupils' day-to-day welfare.
There is often an overlap of special needs, requiring the SENCO and SEN Pastoral Co-Ordinator to work together. All provision is implemented in close liaison with both Academic and Pastoral structures within the school.
Subject Teacher
Responsible for:
Ensuring all lessons are approximately adapted to cater for each child's individual SEND needs
Adapting their lessons to incorporate new strategies provided by the Assistant Head teacher and or outside agencies to ensure pupils' targets are worked towards.
Monitoring and evaluating the progress made by SEND pupils.
Liaising with the SEND Department to ensure timely support and maintain communication.
Inform parents of the progress made by pupils.
Teaching Assistants
Responsible for:
Providing support as directed by the Assistant head teacher, SENDCo, Teaching Staff.
Delivery and monitoring of high quality intervention programmes in literacy and numeracy to support pupils with SEND in Key Stage Three.
Informing and updating parents of pupils with SEND, in regards to pupil progress and welfare.
Assisting pupils in lessons in GCSE English and Maths where appropriate.
Liaising with the SEND Department, teachers and external agencies to keep all staff informed of the needs of SEND pupils.
SEN Governor
Responsible for:
Monitoring the school budget in relation to SEND and endeavoring to meet the provision specified in Statements as far as is possible and feasible within the context of whole school needs.
Liaise with the Assistant Head teacher to ensure pupils with SEND are provided with appropriate support and make the necessary progress.